"Off The Grid" Herbal Remedies Are Here...
Grow Your Own Powerful
Survival Herbs!
"Survival Herb Bank" Gives You Access to God's Amazing Medicine Chest!

Dear Friend,
We've been saying for years that Americans are just one disaster away from having our way of life altered in almost unimaginable ways. This, because of the systemic nature of how a crisis like our current medical-crisis has "landed" on our culture's collective psychology.
Let's face it... the current politicized "disease wave" has shaken our world to its very core.
Listen, we all knew "our system" was vulnerable. The question was and is... how vulnerable?
That said... it's important to not let fear or panic get a grip on us. If you're like me, when the craziness at the supermarkets hit... it had little effect because we already had a backup plan which included an extra supply of food. Probably some other stuff too.
Now, we're all asking... the same question of of the medical world...
Will Officials Keep Tightening Their Medical Grip On Us In Anticipation Of The Next "Viral Blizzard?"
Our current situation and its systemic fallout is compounded by the fact that generations of Americans have become hooked on a level of medical care that has been relatively easy to manipulate by simply going to the emergency room. Sometimes just for a headache.
As the economic fallout (which is a by-product of the *) spreads into every corner of our lives, one of the casualties we've already seen is our already over priced and fragile health care system. If you're sick in many areas of our country, you can't even see a doctor. No matter what your ailment or sickness is. So it should be clear... at least for the rest of this year... that thinking Americans should...
Get Ready For More Health Care Madness
Lets face it, with huge staff firings and resignations... today's hospitals, pharmacies and medical offices are not only under-staffed... but also carry crazy, razor thin... "just in time" inventories of the medicines and supplies that can spell the difference between life and death for you and your loved ones. (that's before any supply chain issues)
Think about it. If there was an emergency in your family right now and you could not get to a doctor... what would you do? Do you have an alternative... a plan B? And do you have the knowledge and determination to carry out such a plan?

Off-The-Grid Remedies Can Still Be Grown In Your Backyard...
The truth is, for thousands of years, civilizations have survived and even flourished using herbal remedies to treat common ailments and even serious diseases and injuries.
That's because natural "plant-based" substances are powerful... so powerful in fact, that almost all prescription drugs today have their origin in plant extracts!
These time-tested herbal remedies found in nature are inexpensive, hard to patent... and in emergencies may be lifesavers! In fact...
Traditional remedies have an amazing history of success supporting many ailments including:
- Headaches
- Back Pain
- Fever
- Anxiety
- Fatigue
- Common Cold
- Insomnia
- Allergies
And supporting even more serious, chronic conditions, such as:
- Arthritis
- Rheumatism
- Asthma
- Migraines
- Diabetes
- Influenza
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Depression
And of course, a lot more!
Notice: Naturally grown herbs have not been approved for any use by government regulators. "Herbs Seeds" Sold In The Survival Herb Bank Are Not Intended To Diagnose, Treat or Cure any Disease. That Would Include The Corona Virus.

Some Herbs Just Keep Growing And Producing Remedies

An Herbal Garden Can Be Easily Grown And Maintained

Most Research Suggests "Fresh Herbs" Are More Effective

Nothing Like Herbal Tea During The Cold And Flu Season
Off-The-Grid Remedies Have Been Used
For Thousands Of Years!

The Survival Herb Bank is the perfect antidote to what's happening in the world around us. You can now tap into powerful "off the grid" health care, using all natural, time tested herbal remedies. With the new Survival Herb Bank, you can grow and prepare your own survival herbs and take the first preventative step against coming medical shortages. Having the ability to grow medicinal herbs and plants is a great self-reliance... first step.
Here's the best part: If you have ever used over-the counter herbs before, you're in for a shocker when you start growing your own herbal remedies. You see, most (certainly not all) store-bought herbal supplements are garbage. I really mean that.
The reason is potency. Grown for bulk and not potency, most store-bought herbs are nasty combinations of pesticides and they contain heavy shots of nitrogen to puff up the poundage for harvest. When you grow your own herbal remedies, potentcies can go through the roof. You'll see why we call a backyard herb garden... nature's pharmaceutical factory!
"Medicinal Plants"
You Need To Plant In 2024
The Survival Herb Bank contains 20 powerful herbs, all with proven track records as "off the grid", many as underground remedies. Just look at what's included:

1) Arnica montana (Arnica), used throughout Europe and North America since the 1500's as a cream or ointment, effective for soothing muscles, reducing inflammation and healing wounds. When brewed as a tea, this amazing herb has been used for stress, sleeping problems, and emotional trauma making it an excellent "meltdown herb."

2) Actaea racemosa (Black Cohosh), a traditional Native American discovery from the root of the cohosh plant known for relieving menstrual cramps and symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes, irritability, mood swings and sleep disturbances. The root of cohosh is an excellent remedy to provide comfort during times of hormonal changes and menstrual periods. It has sedative effects, making it useful for calming nerves, and has been used for assistance during childbirth, which is a particularly high-energy, depleting and traumatic time for the body.

3) Eupatorium perfoliatum (Boneset), an herb traditionally used by Native Americans, who called it "Ague Weed," now commonly called "boneset." It's a great remedy for treating the symptoms of influenza, and helpful for treating aches and pains and fever. Occasional use of boneset leaves brewed as tea helps detoxify the body, removing excess uric acid. It also acts as to expulse other toxins. In a survival instance, this herb can mean the difference between life and death in high fever or poisoning.

4) Calendula officinalis (Calendula), is one of the most widely used herbs for relieving an upset stomach, ulcers, menstrual cramps and is known for having anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial effects. A boutique soap and cosmetic maker charges upwards of $40 per bottle of skin toner made from calendula extract. You can make this at home. The most helpful use of calendula is as a tincture made from leaves or flowers, used as soak for poultices to help heal wounds. It is a great, natural antibacterial agent.

5) Nepeta cataria (Catnip), has a long history of being used as a digestive aid. It's a natural sedative that also helps to ease digestion, colic and diarrhea. Dehydration caused by diarrhea, and high body temperatures caused by fevers can be life-threatening. A tea brewed from its leaves may help alleviate these symptoms. Catnip is also a mild sedative that naturally helps calm the nerves during stressful situations.

6) Capsicum annuum (Red Pepper), is a powerful pain reliever when applied topically, and is used to treat osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and shingles. Use this pepper to help with everything from seasickness to a fever. It is easy to grow, and versatile in use, which means it should be a staple of your survival medicine cabinet.

7) Anthemis nobilis (Chamomile), one of the oldest and favorites in any herb garden for its soothing power and calming effect is also known to prevent nightmares. Use a tea brewed from the leaves and flowers of chamomile to help ease stress--including anxiety and panic attacks. The detoxifying and anti-anxiety benefits make this easy-to-grow herb a must-have. It promotes overall health and strength.

8) Cichorium intybus (Chicory Root), was traditionally used as an additive to coffee, or as a substitute for coffee. It's a natural sedative and anti-inflammatory that treats jaundice, helps the body resist gallstones and liver stones, and aids in reducing the levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood. This herb is particularly useful in ridding the body of parasites, which are held mostly at bay by modern medicine. The flowers, used as a poultice, help with wound healing.

9) Mentha piperita (Peppermint) has been long known as a herbal remedy, helping with queasy stomachs, calming stress, anxiety and promoting restful sleep. Peppermint tea has been used for a long time to alleviate indigestion and gas. Some have used it to improve concentration. Peppermint oil has proven in some studies to kill Staff bacteria and provides a cooling effect when applied topically.

10) Echinacea purpurea (Purple Coneflower), is one of the most popular herbal medicines today. It has been used for more than 400 years to treat infections, wounds, even malaria, blood poisoning and diphtheria. Drinking tea from Echinacea helps the body regain strength, and helps rid the body of the common cold up to three times faster than doing nothing. Growing your own is a perfect alternative to paying for expensive over-the-counter remedies.

11) Oenothera biennis (Evening Primrose), is great for eczema, dermatitis and skin allergies. It can also reduce inflammations, ease bloating of menstrual discomfort, and strengthen liver functions. One of the most interesting uses of evening primrose is to help alleviate symptoms of multiple sclerosis and other nerve disorders. It is one of the few herbs that can help with nerve problems.

12) Foeniculum vulgare (Fennel), used by the Chinese for centuries to treat hernias, indigestion and abdominal pain. Adding fennel to tea or to a recipe that could cause digestive upset can prevent the digestive upset. Tea brewed from the fennel plant alleviates chronic coughs. It can also act as a cough syrup and an expectorant to help clear mucus from the lungs. Oil of fennel can be used as an external pain reliever for sore muscles.

13) Tanacetum parthenium (Feverfew),
native to southeastern Europe, feverfew is now widespread throughout Europe, North America, and Australia. The migraine-relieving activity of feverfew is believed to be due to parthenolide, an active compound that helps relieve smooth muscle spasms. In particular, it helps prevent the constriction of blood vessels in the brain (one of the leading causes of migraine headaches). Medicinally use the feverfew leaves, but all parts of the plant that grow above ground may also be used for medicinal purposes.

14) Hyssopus officinalis (Hyssop), mentioned in the Bible, is an excellent expectorant and stimulant. It is also frequently used for relief of muscular rheumatism, for bruises and contusions. Tea made from the flowers of this herb is good to have on hand for people needing assistance with breathing problems. It has positive effects on the lungs, and can be helpful for asthmatics.

15) Lavandula officinalis (Lavender), is popular in soaps, shampoos and fragrances, but is also a natural remedy for insomnia, anxiety, depression and is known for its soothing effect. Never use lavender on an open wound, but otherwise it is an excellent and soothing herb. It is one of the few herbs that helps combat hair loss. Essentials from the lavender plant have natural anti-depressant properties when used aromatically.

16) Melissa officinalis (Lemon Balm), a member of the mint family, is used to help treat sleep disorders when brewed as a tea. Potentially, the most useful application of lemon balm in the realm of the home is that oils from the lemon balm plant are a natural mosquito repellent. It can be rubbed on the body as a repellent. This helps aid in comfort, but also helps to repel mosquitoes that carry infectious diseases.

17) Althaea officinalis (Marshmallow), the root of this plant is traditionally used to treat asthma, bronchitis, sore throat, cough and even the common cold. It aids in production of milk for mothers who breast feed. In emergency situations, this plant has medicinal properties that help dissolve kidney stones and improve kidney functions, when a tea made by boiling the root is consumed. The roots, when boiled with onions, are also an emergency food source.

18) Valarian officinalis (Valerian), has been used as far back as the 2nd century A.D. to treat insomnia, anxiety, nervousness, seizures and epilepsy. Valerian is a natural anti-anxiety remedy. It is also useful for treating headaches, even migraines. A definite must for the herbal remedy garden.

19) Achillea millefolium (Yarrow), named after Achilles who had used this medicinal to stop the bleeding wounds of his soldiers. Used today to treat minor bleeding, inflammation, fever and infection. Use this herb topically to ease the discomfort of hemorrhoids, stop bleeding, and as an anti-inflammatory to ease swelling. Tea brewed from the flowers and leaves will help stop diarrhea and its potentially disastrous dehydrating effects, and helps purge the body of bacterial infections.

20) Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary), used for indigestion, to treat muscle pain and arthritis, and to improve circulation. Tea brewed from the leaves and taken internally can slow brain degeneration due to Alzheimer's disease. It can also counteract nerve degeneration due to Lou Gehrig's disease.
*Important: We are in a very real seed shortage this year. This means we may have to substitute varieties if supplies become exhausted. That said, All Survival Herb Banks will contain the same amount of seeds. Thanks for your understanding.
These remarkable seeds are authentic herb strains, and are NOT genetically modified in any way. If you ever need to get off the health care grid... you'll only want this special type of herb seed which will produce not only outstanding quality, high-potency plants, but will allow you to plant the seeds from the plants you grow unlike sterile hybrids.
Many herb seed companies are now selling only "terminator" seeds which have been genetically modified and will not reproduce themselves.

These Are
NOT Ordinary Medicinal Herb Seeds... They Have Been
Chosen For
Their Truly Extraordinary Germination Rates!
Grown in remote plots all over the globe by independent herbalists, each of the Survival Herb Bank varieties have been hand-picked for germination rate, potency, and of course, storage life.
The seeds are picked to yield the most potent herbal remedies on the planet. We have also selected herb seeds that will provide the maximum number of plants in the minimum amount of time.
Each herb seed pack is individually packaged for maximum shelf life. Here's what we mean by that:
We carefully dry each seed to the precise level of allowable moisture which "locks in" heartiness and maintains a long shelf life.
You Can Also Store The Seeds Long Term If You Choose
The seed packs are packed and placed in a special waterproof (practically indestructible) container we call an Herb Bank. We believe that this type of storage container is the absolute best way to store seeds for the long term. It does cost quite a bit more to do this, but if you have to store seeds for the long haul, it's extremely important that they will not only have high germination rates, but that they'll grow into lush and highly medicinal plants when you need them most.
Also included with your "Survival Herb Bank" is the e-Book:
"How to Grow Your Own Herbs For Survival Remedies"
This book is a virtual ‘off the grid' herbal Bible, complete with a history of herbs and detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to grow "off the grid" herbs. The book explains how to properly harvest and preserve herbs for optimal use as medicinal remedies.
"How to Grow Your Own Herbs For Survival Remedies" will walk you step-by-step through the process of planting, cultivating, harvesting, preparing and storing your herbs for medicinal use, along with answering common questions such as:
- How each herb has been used traditionally
- Important new uses for medicinal plants
- Scientific and clinical results (amazing!)
- What part of the plant should be used
- When to plant each of your herbs
- Best places to plant your "off the grid" medical garden
- How to engineer your soil for high potency plants
- When to harvest your herbal medicines
- Warnings for each type of herb, including often mentioned side effects and which herbs should only be used with the supervision of a physician
The "How to Grow Your Own Herbs For Survival Remedies" e-book is a $39.00 value, but is included FREE with every Survival Herb Bank order

Step By Step - Off The Grid Herb Garden
It doesn't matter whether you've ever used herbal medicines or alternative treatments before, or whether you don't know anything about gardening. This new "off the grid" herbal growing system will show you step-by-step exactly what to do. You can grow your own back-yard remedies. In fact, for your own health and that of your loved ones, you must take preventative action without delay.
Plus... You Also Get The "Make Herbal Medicines" Course Worth $299.00!

You Can Learn More About The Make Herbal Medicines Course Here
Plus... You Get The Two Digital
"Just In Case" Manuals Below!

Important: Download These FREE Manuals Immediately After Your Survival Herb Bank Purchase. They May Save Your Life If The Health Care System Continues To Disintegrate
Hot Buy One - Get One
Deal Below!

Here's What You Should Do Right Now!
First, beat the crowd. Get your herb seeds and grow fresh medicinal herbs before the rush.
To do that you should order the Survival Herb Bank right away.
And, to give you an added incentive to move quickly before the masses overwhelm the system, we have discounted the price to our customers who use this website to order. We're offering a $100.00 savings to you.
Retail price is $220.00. But you buy online from this site and I will send you everything listed for just...
$119.95 Until We Run Out!

For the cost of a single visit to the doctor's office, you can start an "off the grid" remedy garden to provide for your family's needs... just in case.
In the troubled days ahead we might be forced to do without some of the luxuries we've come to enjoy. That said, I would encourage you to grow healing plants for home use.
Even Better!
Today's Special
Buy 1 Get 1 Free Offer
Plus Get A Quart Of ProtoGrow Free!

Buy One Get One Free Herb Seeds Come In One Survival Herb Bank Container
Buy One-Get One FREE
Plus ... When You Do... Get 1 Quart Of ProtoGrow FREE

Value - $29.97
You Can Learn More About ProtoGrow Here
A Critical Investment In Your Health!
Join me and the thousands of others who are preparing their family for the potentially hard times ahead. Hopefully the current-crisis will be over soon. But there is little down-side to having an herb garden. (inside your house or in your backyard) Which is why you should claim a Survival Herb Bank while they are still available. We have just 40 in stock as I write this. We can ship these out next Monday or Tuesday. Trying to get a few more ready though.
Bill Heid
Powerful Living
P.S. Current herb seed supplies are tight and prices will have to go in the next month or so. This makes today's offer even more valuable as we have to raise the price at that time to 139.95. So, if you believe as I do that we're in for a wild ride this fall and beyond... take decisive action.

Practically Indestructible Survival Herb Bank Can Even Be Buried If Necessary!
Warning: Again, I want to be very clear about something. Having the ability to go "off grid" with medicinal remedies in an emergency doesn't mean you shouldn't see your doctor when you are sick. If you are sick and you can get to a doctor, by all means do the intelligent thing and use the amazing health care expertise and diagnostic tools that are the envy of the world.
Claim Your Survival Herb Banks Here!
Just $119.95 plus $14.95 shipping/handling!
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